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Since 1975, O'Donnell Bros has been providing greater Bristol and Central Connecticut with residential and commercial remodeling solutions. We specialize in roofing, siding, windows, doors, gutters, downspouts and so much more. We look forward to helping you with all your remodeling needs. 

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O'Donnell Bros President, Bob O'Donnell, is a regular contributor to The Bristol Press. Read his home improvement articles here.


Filtering by Tag: freezing

Ice Dam Prevention

Chelsea O'Donnell

While we haven’t had much snow this season, winter is still in full swing and this week’s freezing temperatures were a stark reminder that the worst is likely yet to come. It won’t be long before another storm rolls through to remind us why proper home maintenance is so critical this time of year. 

One common winter issue homeowners face is ice dams—and they can wreak havoc on your home if you’re not prepared. An ice dam forms when snow blankets your roof, creating an extra, unwanted layer of insulation. As warm air rises from your home into the attic, it melts the snow on your roof. The water then slides down to the eaves and gutters, where the colder surface temperatures cause it to refreeze. Over time, this process creates a growing mass of ice at the edge of the roof, commonly known as an ice dam.

These icy buildups are more than a minor inconvenience—they can cause significant damage. Heavy ice can tear gutters away from your home or even lift roof shingles, leaving gaps for water to seep into your attic. From there, leaks can spread to ceilings and walls, creating a costly mess.

The key to preventing ice dams is ensuring your home is properly insulated and ventilated. Unfortunately, many homes in our area lack adequate insulation. In fact, more than 75% of New England homes are under-insulated, allowing heat to escape straight through the roof. This problem is often a result of outdated building standards—homes built decades ago weren’t designed to handle the harsh winters of Connecticut.

By upgrading your home’s insulation and ventilation, you’ll do more than just protect your roof. A well-insulated home is more comfortable year-round, keeping you warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. You’ll notice the difference immediately and see the impact on your energy bills too. Proper ventilation also helps reduce the risk of mold and mildew buildup, which can harm both your home and your health.

Investing in these upgrades is a simple yet powerful way to protect your family, your house, and your budget. Don’t wait for the next big storm to highlight what’s missing—take steps now to keep your home safe and comfortable all year long.

Bob O'Donnell is the owner of O'Donnell Bros, Inc., a Bristol-based home improvement company established in 1975. Email your questions for Bob to with the subject line “Ask the Pro”. All questions may be considered for publication. To contact Bob for your remodeling needs, call O'Donnell Bros, Inc. at (860) 589-5155 or visit Advice is for guidance only.

Keep Your Pipes Safe During Freezing Weather

Chelsea O'Donnell

With the cold settling in next week, now is the time to ensure your pipes are prepared to withstand freezing temperatures. A burst pipe in winter isn’t just inconvenient—it can lead to costly repairs. Follow these tips to reduce your risk.

Protect Outdoor Water Sources

Outdoor water features like pools and sprinkler systems are particularly vulnerable in freezing conditions. Drain any standing water to prevent it from freezing and expanding. Unheated areas are especially at risk, so take precautions to avoid damage.

Store Outdoor Hoses

Disconnect and drain outdoor hoses before storing them for the season. Make sure to close outdoor valves to prevent any residual water from freezing. Proper storage will help ensure your hoses last longer.

Insulate Your Attic

Adding an insulated box above your attic hatchway can help retain heat throughout your home. Attics are often under-insulated and can become the coldest part of the house, increasing the risk of freezing pipes.

Insulate Water Supply Lines

Identify and insulate exposed water supply lines, including both hot and cold pipes. Affordable solutions like pipe sleeves and heat tape can provide added protection against freezing temperatures.

Seal Unheated Spaces

Keep unheated areas, such as garages, closed whenever possible. Garages often house water lines that are susceptible to freezing when the temperature drops significantly.

Maintain Your Thermostat

If you’re leaving home for an extended period, set your thermostat no lower than 55 degrees. This balance prevents freezing pipes while still conserving energy.

What to Do if a Pipe Freezes

If you suspect a pipe has frozen, here are some immediate steps:

  • Leave faucets slightly open to encourage water flow and help thaw partially frozen pipes.

  • Use tools like a hair dryer, heating pad, or space heater to warm the frozen section gradually.

  • Inspect all water sources—if one pipe is frozen, others may be as well.

  • If you’re unsure or the problem persists, contact a plumber to avoid further damage.

For serious cases, shut off your home’s main water valve and leave faucets open to relieve pressure.

A burst pipe can lead to significant flooding and long-term issues like mold, impacting both your home and your family’s health. Don’t wait—take these precautions now to safeguard your home during winter’s chill.

Bob O'Donnell is the owner of O'Donnell Bros, Inc., a Bristol-based home improvement company established in 1975. For remodeling needs, contact O'Donnell Bros, Inc. at (860) 589-5155 or visit Submit your questions to Bob at with the subject line "Ask the Pro." All questions may be considered for publication, and advice is for guidance only.

Be Aware of Ice Dams After a Major Winter Storm

Chelsea O'Donnell

With our first official storm in the books, now is a perfect time to talk about how dangerous winter weather can be for your house. We all know that major snowfall, freezing rain, and sleet make for icy conditions on sidewalks and in your driveway, but what about on your roof? Sure, icicles might look pretty, the ice dams creating them can result in major leaks in your attic, ceiling, and interior walls.

An ice dam forms when heavy snow blankets the roof, forming an extra layer of insulation. As warm air rises from your house and up through your attic, it causes the layer of snow closest to the roof to melt and the water to slide down into the gutters. This would normally be a good thing, but because so many homes in our area aren’t properly insulated, what often happens is that the melting water hits the cold eaves of the roof, freezing again instead of draining off through the gutters. This forms an ice blockage. As that ice grows and grows, the water has nowhere to go so it starts to move under your roof shingles and eventually into your insulation and drywall. This is when you’ll start to see the leaks in your ceiling and walls.

The best way to avoid this problem is by taking preventative measures. I get calls from homeowners to remove ice dams after every winter storm, and for many, it is too late and they are already facing thousands of dollars worth of damage. But if you’re lucky enough to catch an ice dam before it fully forms, it’s a smart idea to get rid of it as quickly as possible.

Firstly, when you’re clearing snow from your driveway and sidewalks, think about your roof too. Removing snow from the house is the best way to protect your home against ice melting and refreezing in the gutters and up the roof. If you already have an ice dam forming, you can use a hammer and chisel to get rid of it, but be very careful as roof shingles are more delicate and brittle in cold conditions. One safe home remedy is to fill a pair of pantyhose with ice melt and lay it across the ice dam so the water will melt into the gutter. If you’re not comfortable on a ladder, call a professional to help you get rid of the ice dam quickly and safely.

These, of course, are just stop-gap measures. The only way to prevent ice dams from forming permanently is to have your home properly insulated and ventilated. More than 75% of homes in our area are under-insulated which causes the heat from your home to shoot right through the roof. Having appropriate insulation and ventilation will keep your home free from ice dams and will keep you much more comfortable in both the winter and the summer. You’ll feel the difference immediately, and you’ll see the benefit in your energy bills too. 

To all of my readers, may you have a wonderful Christmas and holiday season. I look forward to seeing you in the New Year.

Bob O'Donnell is the owner of O'Donnell Bros, Inc., a Bristol-based home improvement company established in 1975. Email your questions for Bob to with the subject line “Ask the Pro”. All questions may be considered for publication. To contact Bob for your remodeling needs, call O'Donnell Bros, Inc. at (860) 589-5155 or visit Advice is for guidance only.